Tuesday, February 13, 2007

I Hate Blogger...

...so I'm just going to discontinue this blog and use my LJ for Blogging class.


Thursday, February 8, 2007

I'm Feeling Like Audrey Hepburn Today

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Somehow me working on my Web Design 2 homework turned into me experimenting with... this.

I would explain the evolution, but the tediousness would kinda ruin it. lol.

Bad? Hair Day

I'm lying in wait of a hopeful revolution (which would be us moving our class blogs to LiveJournal.com). So in the mean time I've just been really hating this site. But I guess I shall post on you anyway.

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At the end of last semester, when I had "free time" (time when I was avoiding finishing up my Typography book), I would Photoshop some of the pictures of my friends. For like two weeks I was really into darkening ("burning"), lightening ("dodging"), and saturating ("sponging") people's hair so that it looked like a different colour than it actually is.

These are some of my favourites from that group.

Wednesday, January 31, 2007

The Ice Tray Is Empty

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I would never make any claims about this picture (a scan from a magazine I used in a collage once) having gravitas,
but I still think that it speaks for itself.

And with that I am done.

Monday, January 29, 2007


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Oh look, I'm updating from class. How naughty (?) of me.

I hate missing the bus in the morning because then I have a fifteen minute walk ahead of me. Yeah, I know, it's not that big of a deal. But when you live in Wisconsin you get all kinds weather, and it all seems to be inclimate. Foggy. Snowy. Slushy. Breezy. Fucking hot. Humid. Rainy. Below-zero-degrees-y.
In the fall I'd have to walk in some big early morning humid mess (Global Warming wants the world, and it wants it now. When was the last time we had snow on Christmas? And what's with the increasingly warm/late winters?). This morning I was slipping on slushy grey gunk all the way up Kenwood Blvd.
But enough bitching.
The plus side to walking in (besides exercise, but who needs that) is that I get to pass the ghetto Sentry that got tore down for being gross and violating a billion health codes (and our eyes). The construction has been going on for a few months now, and I always find things that I like in it. I just try to avoid taking pictures of the workers (not that I don't, I just try not to).

This particular picture reminds me of an earthquake. And the.... scoopy thing... is sitting in the background being rusty and looking guilty. Even though it's not attached.

Sunday, January 28, 2007

The Sky Sure Is Blue Today

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This picture was another excursion downtown snapping away (not that you snap with a digital camera, not really).

I was inspired loosely, oh so loosely, by the album cover to Destination Beautiful by Mae. A band I highly recommend, although I won't because this isn't a music blog and that would be off topic.


Hmm, what was that noise just now?

Thursday, January 25, 2007

Rainbow City

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I love wandering around Downtown taking pictures. I wouldn't go as far as to call it Urban Exploration because I don't know anything about any of the buildings or their history or things like that you're supposed to know.

I do however love gritty alleys and buildings clustered in a skyline.

Not that this picture is gritty. At all. But you know what I mean.

A Streetcar Lacking Desire

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Taking the bus after getting out of Summerfest (or any large city festival I would imagine) is always good times. Nothing like being cramped into a small space with loud drunk people. And even better you can feel the collected weight weighing down the bus. That way you get to enjoy the fun for longer.

I really have no idea how often is acceptable to post to this blog. Too much or too little? Do I care? Maybe not.

Wednesday, January 24, 2007

The Creds

Allow me to exemplify my photo-whore-ishness. In case anyone was wondering or cared.

(I like how I'm talking as if this blog had an audience already).

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The Mission

Dearest You,

I'm in an English Class at the University of Milwaukee Wisconsin that focuses on blogging. This is the blog I have created for it. Obviously.

I'm almost ready to call it a day seeing how I spent like five minutes coming up with my cute pun of a blog name. And like half an hour making far-to-small-to-notice changes in the colours to my blog. But oh well. I'm a Graphic Design major so the little things like that bug me. And to make them stop buggin me I must control control them.

The only real goal for this blog is to post images that I like. Which is an astoundingly vague mission statement. Something tells me it may narrow itself into narrower, yet likely dissonant categories.

I take lots of pictures myself (on my digital camera) but that's not necessarily all I'm interested in posting. I've had my camera for 13 months now and I've taken almost 15,000 pictures. I love to document life. Me. My friends. School. Work. Anything, everywhere, and anyone in-between. Then the pictures go up on Facebook in albums organized by week of the year. They shall rue the day they made photo space limitless.

Maybe the same will happen here. Maybe it won't. We'll see what happens.

Hugs & Puppies,